I met up with Jake to get to know him and get an idea of what his room could look like. ----> notes and sketches
References I looked into:
I started the week of by reading The Production of Knowledge in Artistic Research by Henk Borgdorff.
I watched John Berger's Ways of Seeing episode 1.
I watched Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window.
I honestly, didn't understand everything, it was quite a heavy text to get through. The main thing I understood is the following: in Borgdorff's opinion Artistic Research is ''research in and through art practice'' (p.45).
I watched and read John Berger before, but this was nice and refreshing. The main thing I get from it, is that the way an image (painting in Berger's case) is perceived by the beholder, depends on the context the image is seen in.
The protagonist in Hitchkock's Rear Window is limited to a certain view on the neighbourhood, his window is like the painting's borders. This is new to him since he is used to travel the world, now he sees his neighbourhood differently, notices new things. This can be connected to Berger's Ways of Seeing, how the protagonist is perceiving the image (the neighbourhood) is different, because the circumstance in which he lives, have changed.
At the same time, there is another beholder in this story, which is the viewer of this film. I couldn't help but wondering if this story could have also taken place from another window in the protagonist's story.
In class, I made an audio story of my room and presented this.
I imagined first my room, a rythmic system and then a portal would open, taking me to another place with more nature.

I think, also after hearing my peer's feedback, it also give this ambience of a bedroom. In which first a real world can be distinguished, and at some point everything becomes more distorted, like in a dream. The second part of the audio definitely gave a creepy vibe, but in a soothing way, which I also find in my dreams.
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Week 1
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